Thursday, February 18, 2016

10 Questions

There is just so much going on in the world today: a presidential election, a supreme court nomination, wars and rumors of wars, you know the list.  Normally, I pick a thing and pontificate about what I think, but I am accumulating a list of things that actually ring more like questions in my heart and mind.  Maybe you have similar questions, maybe you have information that I don't have.  I don't really expect answers, but I would welcome discussion.
  1. If we are really so concerned about money (I mean the government, deficit, balanced budgets etc.) why don't we ever at least consider the idea that maybe we don't need to spend so much on the machinery and mechanisms of war?
  2. Related question: why do we attack the social safety net to save a few pennies (relatively) but spend billions of dollars on an experimental fighter plane, submarine or warship?
  3. In a nation founded on principles of freedom and equality, why do people on all sides insist on trying to bend the functions of government in their favor, rather than insisting on neutrality and serving the common good?
  4. In a nation founded on principles of freedom and equality, why are race and class still such divisive and damaging realities?
  5. In a nation of educated and thoughtful people, why can't we clearly confess and own the reality that race and class are still such divisive and damaging realities?
  6. Why do we act like the Cold War is still the paradigm of global politics?
  7. Why do we listen to people who tell us what cannot be done, rather than following people who lead us into what might be done?
  8. If partisan rancor is so terribly repugnant to everyone, why don't we just stop it?
  9. Why does everything have to be about money?
  10. Are we ever going to really value human life?
Some of these are more specific than others, but these are all questions that I bring to bear on my thinking about what I really want for and from the future of our country.  These are questions that point me in the direction of seeking positive answers rather than criticizing any particular politician or ideology (though honestly they don't lead me to really trust any of them).
Thank you for considering my questions.

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