Monday, March 28, 2016

Okay, VI is Going to Have to Wait

The Constitution will still be here later.  But lo, and behold, there's another tragedy that needs mourned, actually there are several that have gone down recently that don't necessarily get the press that Brussels or another Western nation might have gotten: Ankara, Nigeria, Iraq, people died at the hands of terrorists, lives were ended and families torn apart.  Lord, have mercy.  None of this is okay, all of them deserve a proper notice, but it was Easter week, and I had a funeral to prepare on top of everything else, so the blog got bumped out of the list of things to do.
Never fear though because the toxic phlegm blob has graced us with yet more senseless acts of violence, and this time it is in a time and place that demonstrates how clueless and benighted they actually are: they blew up a bunch of Christians in Lahore Pakistan as they celebrated Easter.  Don't get me wrong, I am not, in any way negating this as a brutal act of violence and evil.  And I understand that many Christians have become so enamored of the empire, power and privilege of Christendom that they may still react with violent speech and maybe actions of their own, but for those of us who actually pay attention to the actual Jesus story, this is absolutely not surprising.
First of all, let's start with the nature of Christian faith in Pakistan.  None of the people who were gathered to celebrate the resurrection in Lahore were doing so in the bubble of security that we in the west enjoy.  At best, they hoped to be left to their observance in peace, but they knew that, even with non-terrorist Islam (which is most of Islam) they are still on the infidel list.  Culturally that puts them in a minority, religiously, it means they really understand what it means to believe despite the threat of being "hated by the world."  If you have any understanding of world Christianity and the history thereof, you will know that this attack, far from dissuading or diminishing Christian community in Pakistan, will strengthen it and give it more power and credibility among the people there.  The church in Lahore needs our prayers, they need our expressions of shared faith and hope, they do not need us to save them, especially not by taking vengeance or trying to kill their persecutors.  That's not how this Jesus thing works, so put away your sword.
Second of all, I want to talk to you 'Merican Christians.  I want you to look at the pictures from Lahore, that is what persecution looks like.  It is not being forced to make cupcakes for a gay wedding or having the ten commandments removed from the courthouse lawn, or anything of the sort.  I also want you to go behind the surface stories, and pay attention to how the church in Pakistan responds to this.  I don't even know what exactly they're going to do yet, but I guarantee it won't be saber rattling and calling for vengeance.  Do not take your eyes off of Lahore after our news cycle leaves it, use this thing called the internet and continue to pay attention to them.  Watch what they do, watch how they heal, watch how they live into the resurrection that they were celebrating.  Pray for them sure, but also keep watching to see what the crucified Lord does in the midst of their suffering.  I'll bet you dollars to donuts it will be amazing, and it will shame the fear mongering, violence ridden sort of propaganda you are liable to see from so-called Christians in their comfortable western bubble.  But watch those hairless talking monkeys too, and compare and contrast.
Pay attention to how those who grasp at worldly power and security react to this tragedy, and pay attention to how those who genuinely hope and trust in the power of the crucified and resurrected Christ do it.
This is where genuine Christian faith shines.  This is where the families of the Mother Emmanuel church victims stand up at the arraignment and forgive Dylan Roof.  This is where we as a people of faith show that we know something that the rest of the world fails to apprehend: that love is stronger than death.  The way of the cross can be bloody to be sure, and things can seem dark, but for those in Christ that tomb always ends up empty, as it did yesterday, and as it will continue to be by the power of God in Christ Jesus.

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