Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Civil Discourse?

We are less than a month away from the election.  Every time I write a blog that relates to this circus I think, "Okay, that's it, I'm done.  I've said all that I can say." But Trump really is the gift that keeps on giving, like herpes.
I didn't immediately fly off the handle when I heard about his "locker room talk," because, quite frankly, as much as I wanted to be shocked and appalled, I wasn't.  For what it's worth, the Donald is actually right, I have heard people talk in a way that was every bit as vulgar and disrespectful about women.  And no, I'm sorry, I mostly did not stand up and call them on their bad behavior, because they were idiots, I knew they were idiots.  I also knew that they, as idiots, were mostly harmless and what's more, were probably likely to stammer like a fool when confronted with an actual woman.  Did I mention that most of the incidents I'm referring to happened in High School? Maybe a few in college, but have mostly vanished from my world by the age of 42.  I don't miss them.  Trump was 59, he was on his third marriage and actually had grandkids.  He also occupied a position of authority and had the privilege that comes with money.  Meaning that his "locker room talk" about making advances on women and groping them was more than just the empty posturing of a 16 year old boy, it was, as has been accused by many women, a clear and present danger.
The whole scenario made me feel sorry for any women that this lecherous pumpkinhead may have assaulted, and who just had to swallow that because he was Donald J. Trump.  But that was not the end of the public molestation that this election is forcing upon us.  Then came the justifications, for sake of my blood pressure, I'm just going to focus on three:

  1. It's just locker room talk.  Bull-freaking-pucky, as noted above, this is, indeed something you are likely to hear in locker rooms, among teenagers, who have limited experience with actual sex.  Among grown-ups who are capable of dealing with the relationships that ought to define sexual relationships, this sort of talk tends to go away.  Because girls are no longer abstract things that you want to "get some" from, they are actual people you spend time with and maybe even commit to, then they become the mother of your children, and then, if you have a daughter, if some clown started saying what Donald said, you want to rip his throat out with your bare hands... Sorry, I'm getting too emotionally involved with this one, let's move on.
  2. Bill Clinton is a slimebag too. Yes, Bill Clinton is a lecherous toad as well.  He absolutely abused his authority and engaged in adulterous relationships, regardless of what the definition of "is" is.  This is such an incredible deflection that I felt my intelligence being insulted even more than when I watch those payday loan commercials where people are so thankful that someone was able to take usurious advantage of them.  This is what is known in the world of rhetoric as a false equivalence, and would mostly be declared out of order by any moderator worth their salt.  First of all, we are not electing Bill again.  Second of all, we are not electing Bill again. I will fully capitulate to the fact that Bill and the Donald, heck let's throw JFK in on that as well, are actually birds of feather who have managed to grope and molest their way through life.  I admit that the shameful way we have allowed rich and powerful men to harass and abuse women with impunity is unacceptable.  We need to stop allowing that to happen. Period. End of Sentence. John Oliver pointed out this funny but profane clip, it's almost like the first woman president has to face her very own version of Darth Vader, except the dark side of the force, in this case, is chauvinism, sexism and misogyny.  It actually makes sense that her very own husband is, in fact, an illustration of all that bad old stuff, but this time America, we have a choice and our eyes are open.
  3. Women read Fifty Shades of Grey, they must like dirty, rapey stuff. I saved this one for last because, great googly-moogly, how is this even a justification? First of all, I will be the last one to defend FSoG, not because they are profane or controversial, but because they are horrible writing.  I very much would like it if we could collectively rise up and say that they are trashy, horrible, very bad books.  I do not like the way that they essentially romanticize emotional control and sexual abuse, and I do not need reminded that I'm misunderstanding the power dynamic in those sorts of relationships.  Controlling behavior is abusive by nature.  If you need a contract to define how you are going to relate to each other sexually, that is probably not good.  But I digress, whether or not a woman enjoyed reading that trash does not entitle anyone to molest or assault her, to "kiss her without waiting," or to "grab..." I'm not even going to say it.  The fact that I like to watch horror movies does not make it okay for someone to chase me around wearing a hockey mask and wielding a machete.  I do not consent to that sort of treatment.
So this is where we are America.  We have a month more of this, and then we have to choose.  The point where we can feel good about this process has long since passed.  I'm just hoping to get through the next debate without having a rage induced aneurysm.

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