Monday, January 4, 2021

I Know that Voice

It's been a while since I last took to this space to bloviate about anything.  Part of that is a simple desire for self preservation.  There were many times over the past few months where I wanted to rant and rave about something, but for reasons of my own personal sanity, the desire not to try and get any more wound up about politics, or contribute to the same emotional spiral in others, I have refrained.  But here, this week, where the supposedly last step of the election is taking place, I have come to a realization that I think is important for we the people to take into consideration: we are being abused.  Some of us are being physically abused, others are being emotionally abused, we're all being controlled and told what to think.

Sometimes it's hard for the abused to admit that they have been abused.  Most people would prefer not to think of themselves as victims.  There is usually ample evidence of self-blame along the lines of: "Oh, I'm such a fool, I just should not have made them mad."  There is equivocating: "nobody else is going to treat me any different." There are excuses made: "It's only because they love me so much that they get so riled up."  I have actually been in a place where I have had to try and get abused persons to admit that they were in an abusive relationship, and it is more difficult than you think.

It is nearly impossible to get the abuser to admit the same thing, until some very dire line has been crossed. Donald Trump is the drunk spouse that comes home and slaps his wife, but he has, as of yet, failed to come to a moment of clarity where he realized that was a mistake.  He thinks she needed it.  She was hysterical and talking about trying to actually take care of the poor and welcoming immigrants and such things (wonder where this so called Christian nation got those ideas).  Plus all his buddies at the bar swear that she was flirting with some commie pinko who looks like a hippie, or maybe even a black guy.  I'm not justifying anything that he has done to us as a nation, but he's about to get the boot and maybe get to meet the sheriff.  So let's look at another shade of vile: Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley et al are the worst sort of people to have around in this sort of a situation, they are the justifiers and the opportunists that vulture around the edge of an abusive relationship.

What they are is villainous, not just ridiculous.  They are like the neighbor down the street who is rooting for the abuser to get locked up so he can go make time with the lonely wife, who they know will put up with a lot of mistreatment.  They do not have the excuse of being impaired, or being ignorant, incompetent and out of control.  They know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it.  They are trying to pull a scam of epic proportions, and for the good of our republic, I really hope it fails.

Here's the logic: they want to move in on the wife (the American people), who has been abused by a malignant narcissist for several years, but who finally got up the gumption to kick him to the curb.  The problem is that all of the abuser's buddies think he's an okay guy who just runs off at the mouth a bit.  They have not really seen, or have chosen not to acknowledge the bruises that the Donald has left on this nation.  Cruz et al, know that the buddies are going to have to accept their play for her affections at some point.  But their excuses are carefully confined so as not to offend the MAGA drinking buddies:

"Yeah, abuser guy really wasn't that out of line, I mean look at the sweet microwave he done got her last time he smacked her around."

"Yeah, we know he was toxic, but you can't just rob a man of his legal rights, even if he uses them to smack his wife around a few more times on the way out the door."

"Yeah, that's a shame what he did to her, but it's just Donald being Donald."

"Now she's going to shack up with that communist. We gotta protect her from herself."

"Everyone's saying there's more than meets the eye here, we need to investigate."

But there's nothing to investigate, except for a drunk guy who punched his wife in the face.  She may not be perfect, but she doesn't deserve that sort of abuse.  And the thing is, they don't really care about the wife, they would be perfectly fine for the abuser to keep on abusing, because it improves their long term prospects of being able to move in.  See they think that if such a rotten human can get himself hooked up that way, imagine if they could be just slightly less rotten.  It would be a great way to get what they want and not really have to change much at all.  Jumping over that low bar would be super easy.

Watch, if he does decide to try and work his way back in the door in four years, the so called "dirty dozen," will be the first ones to crow about how he nearly derailed the peaceful transition of power, at least during the primary.  In the general, that commie boyfriend will suddenly make a comeback.  I'm telling you 'Murica, we are being abused by more than just that orange buffoon.

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