Monday, March 25, 2019


The Mueller Report is finally here! Now we find out what has been lurking in the shadows! Now we uncover the truth!
Maybe we don't.  Maybe we won't even get to see the thing. Maybe all we're going to get is the summary that Attorney General Barr gave us: it doesn't prove anything criminal, but it doesn't exonerate either. So vis-a-vis the whole Russian thing we're still back at ground zero.  They clearly wanted Trump in the White House, but possibly only because they hated Hillary (there were a lot of people in that boat), or maybe they figured he was a useful asset, a demagogue to bring a little Putin panache to the American people, an easily flattered fool that they could play like a harp from hell. Very few of the shenanigans that took place during the election required Trump's active participation or even knowledge, which is pretty much what I expected the Mueller report to say.
Where does Trump's daily rants and gas-lighting cross the line into obstruction of justice?  Mueller, being a serious man and serious about the law, was about as likely to jump into that as he would be to jump into a ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese.  It seems that Trump's ultimate defense against most things is simply that he is Trump and he has always been Trump, and people knew he was Trump when they voted for him.  But being a mendacious braggart and a boor is not illegal in general, and the specifics of when it might become illegal are not simple to prove or even understand, and so it would seem as though we are stuck, at least until January 2021, with a stooge at the helm.
So be it. We need to talk about how we get rid of him. I think what is left of the Republican Party and the genuine conservatives in the country need to primary him.  I know, you probably won't win, but if you want to be considered serious leaders in the wake of the catastrophe, just trying would make moral and practical sense.
Even if Trump didn't break the law, he is a wretched excuse for a leader.  He lacks empathy, he is primarily concerned with self-aggrandizing and self-dealing. It's hard to imagine that he even knows what the word commonwealth actually means. He wants to write TRUMP in big gold letters on everything, the country, your Bible, everything. World leaders have stopped taking him seriously, and many are openly derisive, and honestly he pretty much deserves what he gets. If you stick with him, you're going to end up in the same boat as Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone.
But really, the people we need to talk to the most are the Democrats, because bless their hearts, they're the ones that have to stop him.  As much as I wanted Bernie in 2016, I'm not sanguine that he is what the country needs right now. The tag of Socialism still carries too much baggage, and honestly the sorts of big sweeping changes that the most progressive candidates are now proposing are probably a bridge too far.  Yes, Trump did win an electoral victory over a dyed in the wool centrist, but that doesn't mean centrism has failed, it means Hillary Clinton failed.  I just wished she had failed against Mitt Romney or John Kasich.  I think that progressives in this country are in a bad place right now, we're a little too obsessed with call outs and being offended, which is exactly what Trump loves.  He is entirely at home in the Sean Hannity sewer where he gets endless props for "owning the libs." His vulgarity seems like a refreshing bit of honesty to many people.
I would have thought that our collective sense of decency would have kicked in by now, but maybe we have lost more of our manners than I realized. The point is, it does no good lamenting the fact that a stubborn 40 percent of people still think Trump is doing okay.  It doesn't pay to try and launch Alexandria Occasio Cortez and Ilhan Omar against the Cracker Barrel crowd, it will backfire, it is backfiring.
The best thing I have seen candidate-wise from my Democrats thus far is Corey Booker from my one-time home state of New Jersey.  He's actually trying to be positive and talk about the things that hold us together, he's also about fourth or fifth in a crowded field. Republican or Democrat something better needs to come next, one thing I think we should all be pretty clear about, no matter what Mueller says or does not say, is that Trump is not what we actually need, and after over two years, I don't think he ever can be.  If we have a hope as a nation, not just Democrats, it is learning to grab a hold of those uniting factors and hold on for dear life.

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