Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Don't be afraid to show your scars.
Whether they are inside or out.
Scars are earned.
They come from relentlessly picking at the chicken pox.
Or being relentlessly picked on for something else.
Bullets or bullies can cause them.
They come from giving birth to new someone.
They come from saying goodbye to someone you love.
Scars can fade with time,
But they never really go away.
If they are really worth it, you don't want them to.
They might remind you of a mistake, and what you learned.
They might remind you of a wound, and how you survived.
They might be all you have left of something you have lost.
Everyone has scars,
But some keep them hidden.
They don't want you to know what hurt them.
Because they think being hurt is sign of:
But it's not.
It's a sign of being human.
Jesus has scars,
They are proof of who he is.
Yours are proof of who you are.
They're not going to go away.
Even in the resurrection.
Get used to them,
Love them.
Show them proudly.
They are your scars.

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