Thursday, July 24, 2014


I'm a big fan of nuance.  It is often absolutely necessary, in understanding complicated situations, to get a grip on the many and varied facets of the problem.  It is super valuable to be able to see things from other perspectives and realize that a balanced approach is almost always best.  So few things in this world are truly black and white.  With all that we know and how we experience the world, with access to such amazing and wonderful diversity, we really should be able to put dualism to bed once and for all.
But there is a problematic nuance to the whole mess.  There are many complex issues that can be nuanced to death, which in turn pushes us back into dualism and dogmatism, because it's just frustrating to deal with people who can use a nuance to justify anything, examples:
1. Prisons are overcrowded and almost 50% of the people in them are there for some sort of drug related offense, BUT we can't de-criminalize or legalize because drugs are bad, BUT so is the fact that we have more people in prison (per capita) than any other nation in the world including China, BUT we're actually digging our own grave and not making the problem any better, and probably wasting human potential on a massive scale, BUT there's too much money to be made, and too much fear out there to do anything really meaningful to change.
2. There are children (CHILDREN) seeking asylum in this country because of poverty and the same basic, misguided "War on Drugs."  And we're treating it like a run of the mill immigration problem, BUT we're a nation of immigrants (unless your name is Standing Bear, and then I'm totally sorry about the whole genocide and taking all your stuff), and we hold humanitarian ideals pretty close to our heart (or we seem to, when it involves bombing someone on the other side of the world in the name of freedom, hold on, different nuance), you know "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," BUT apparently not if the tired, poor huddled masses are from south of the border.  European tired, poor, huddled masses only please.
3. Israel and Palestine don't get along, they haven't for a really long time.  Again, we have a  hand in starting and perpetuating this whole mess, BUT we're really not allowed to really do any hard thinking about what the right thing to do is, because ISRAEL, BIBLE, GOD's CHOSEN PEOPLE, ISRAEL IS GOING TO MAKE JESUS COME BACK QUICKER!  Oh holy snot.  There are children (CHILDREN) in Gaza who are getting bombed because Hamas cares more about kicking Israel in the shins than actually trying to improve the lot of "their" people.  And Israel, for their part, doesn't really see this as an apocalyptic scenario or a divine mandate, BUT they're pretty sick and tired of all their neighbors trying to kill them.  The last time they forbore and and persevered they had to go through Auschwitz and Birkenau (Yes, I know those were Europeans, but they're the ones running Israel at the moment).
4. Finally, my favorite example of nuance run amok: "I'm not (racist, bigoted, sexist, homophobic, or xenophobic, pick your favorite), BUT those people..."  When you use nuance to defend an indefensible position, you are doing it wrong, you are searching for a way to believe what you want, and still convince yourself that you're open-minded and intelligent.
It should be an exploration in search of better understanding, not a justification of why you shouldn't actually evaluate your own position.  Saying "It's complicated," is a total cop-out, and I have done it many times. I would like to think of my dodging as a sort of survival mechanism, because I didn't want to get into a protracted debated with someone who was not willing to evaluate their own dogma, but probably more often  it was just because I am lazy and would rather not really evaluate my own dogma at that particular moment.
5. We all see that the way that many cultures treat women is pretty shabby, we look at women denied education, killed because they were raped and generally treated as property rather than human beings, and we say, "I'm so glad we're not like those people."  Yet, in our wonderful, enlightened nation, there is income inequality, domestic abuse is rampant, college campuses and the military are rife with sexual assault and harassment, and the powers that be in those settings have been horribly complicit in keeping it all on the down low, because why should one mistake ruin someone's life or career.
Congratulations, you have just vomited all over the exploration of nuance, the practice of rational thought, and perhaps even our very humanity.
But, you know, "It's complicated."

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